Organizing For Sustainable Superior Performance

Organizing For Sustainable Superior Performance

ICC management consultants partner with clients to research, to organise, and foster a superior performance organisation culture.

Partly owned by Usains Holding, Penang, ICC has an available team of  very experienced consultants to undertake assignments that may require state-of-the-art intervention.


People Make it Happen

The approach to Organisation effectiveness:

  1. Motivate renewed commitment to a shared vision and mission – the social purpose of the corporation or institution.
  2. Review job design of the top management positions as the first step towards organization alignment and  transformation
  3. Fostering a team work environment by  adopting cross-functional decision making.
  4. Enable top management team to discuss and agree on the principles and best practices for the implementation of  a performance assurance system.
  5. Set superior performance standards and motivate growth and better organizational performance over the next 5 years
  6. Assess capability of the top management team relative to Job design by conducting motive profiling and competency profile assessment to encourage personal development.

Taking a developmental approach to corporate transformation motivates  everyone to be engaged

Note: This approach can be initiated at any level of the organisation. We have observed significant value by beginning right at the top.


Visualising the Context of Organisation Purpose(the future environment)

Envisioning the corporation in a future context is not something that can  be accomplished easily by everyone.

  • Vision is a picture (perception) of the future.
  • Mission is outcome to be attained (accomplished)
  • Strategy is the journey to get there.

Extrapolating from current observations is not a natural thinking skill.

Some assistance on visualising the future does help.

Next , what are the key success factors to get there?

  • Expansion?
  • Operational effectiveness,
  • Operational efficiency?
  • Customer Satisfactions?
  • Employee Satisfaction?
  • Public Perception?
  • Others?










The strategic corporate plan details:  –> What action programs are needed  to  guide  change?


The Value of a Shared Vision and Mission

A shared vision and mission creates a cohesive team.

 A  group of people with different capability who share a vision and commit to help each other (complement), so that extraordinary results can be produced.

Non-aligned departments and divisions cause ‘organisation resistance’.


A Cohesive Team usually Formulates and Implements Exciting Corporate Plans

The quality of  thinking, feeling and conceptual considerations undertaken to formulate the corporate plan by a cohesive top team is  systematic and comprehensive :-



  • Environment analysis
  • Strategic choices
  • Motivated objective setting.
  • Job design and accountability structure choices
  • Proactive decision making
  • Directing operations
  • Reviewing results against plans
  • Taking corrective steps
  • Recognizing and rewarding





















Motivated Teams Establish Superior Standards of Performance

Whenever we examine the excellent standards set by superior performing organisations, it is usually motivated by  extraordinary social purpose. Leading organisations don’t use the “achievable norm”, as their standard.


Ratings Description generally used scale of other GLC(s)
  • Consistently exceeds most requirements
  • Accomplishments are outstanding to the standards expected and sustained over at least the past 2 years of the business cycle
  • Exceeds the corporate plan standard and most requirements associated with the position
  • Accomplishments are very good (superior) and more than the standard required by the job
  • Achieves the corporate plan standard and all other requirements associated with the position
  • Accomplishments are clearly in accordance with the job demands
  • Accomplishments are below the corporate plan standard and below expectations demanded of the job
  • Meets some of the requirements but some results need improvement
  • Does not meet most of the requirements associated with the position
  • Consistently fail to meet expectations and standards in most area















The Complementary Roles of  Managers and Leaders














When managing for extraordinary results, you need both good  managers and very good  leaders.


In Summary then, Superior Performing Organisations are Dynamic and Goal Directed 



The architecture — the Design

The Key Success Factor in any Corporate Plan Implementation is the Person Quality


ICC management consultants enable  clients achieve  effectiveness through proper  Job design, Job evaluation and person capability assessment.


Top Organization Structure must be staffed by Professionals  with the Right Motives and Competencies— Talents

Talents occupying jobs designed based on corporate strategy must have capability to deliver designed results. Capabilities are drivers of performance.


One grade discrepancy is acceptable but two or more grade differences causes serious management challenges.


The Achievement Motive Causes  — ‘I want to do better’ , thinking ,feeling and actions


Motives generates purposeful actions (competencies).


The Typical Motive profiles Established using the BEI Method Advocated by David C.McClelland:


ICC management consultants provide research and consultancy services to clients in the following:-

  1. Measuring motive profiles of Key personnel.
  2. Design and delivery of appropriate Top management development programs for Motive profile change
  3. Middle management competency development programs.


Focused management development based on motive profiles accelerates management capability enhancement, that correlates positively with superior performance of organisations.


The Job Motive Profile

Shown below are the Motive Profiles of the typical Job Designs in result seeking organizations drawn from ICC management consultant’s database.

Job competency models are based on good job designs of results driven organisations.

Person competency is measured by analyzing the thinking , feeling and task actions of the incumbents by the use of the BEI method.


Note: The scales indicate weightage


Competency Cluster Profile by Positions


For details of Competencies with respect to each Cluster, please refer competency dictionary.


KPI contracting is necessary, but the drivers of performance are competencies


Superior Vs Average , Behavioral Characteristics—(ICC’s research)

Shown here is an extract:


ICC consultants conduct this research to determine  rating scale for performance development


Use of “Developmental”  Competency Rating Scale

  • Level 3 is the expected corporate plan behaviour standards.
  • Level 4 (commendable) is a clear distinguishable step better than level 3,
  • and level 2 is a clear behaviour that is lower than the Corporate plan  standard.
  • Level 3 competencies are usually described  in a manner that is easy for anyone to visualize and understand,  and subsequently practice such behaviour, thinking and feeling.
  • Anyone rated at level 3 is a corporate plan standard  model.
  • Level 4 rating is usually applied to someone who can  act as a mentor and coach for this competency area. Such a person can explain and help others acquire the level 3 competency, thinking, feeling and task behaviours.
  • Level 5 is reserved for consistent commendable performers.


Example of the Performance Contract on Competency Development

Concern for Achievement
(Corporate Standard – Competent)
(Needs Improvement)
  • Ability to analyze and establish objectives and measurable objectives and standards for oneself and others
  • Demonstrates high concern of achievement to ensure that performance standards are met at all times
  • Manages risks creatively and innovatively to achieve the challenging goals
  • Consistently creative in combining different resources efficiently and effectively in a state of uncertainty to prevent delays
  • Accountable for the overall performance of all in a team.
  • Sets measurable objectives and standards for oneself and others
  • Demonstrating concern for quantity achievement always.
  • Manage risks effectively to the achieve challenging objectives
  • Effective resources management in a state of uncertainty
  • Takes responsibility for the performance of all in the team
  • Able to set measurable objectives for oneself.
  • Implements some tasks  for meeting performance objectives.
  • Aware of risks to the achievement of challenging objectives.
  • Responsible for one’s own achievement
  • Does not exhibit thinking, feeling and task behavior as required

Level 5, not shown, is awarded to anyone who scores 4 consistently three times


How Google and Many Forward Thinking Organisations do it.

Google practices a system called objectives and Key Results – OKR

Performance Ratings are set by self and by a group of peer reviewers – 360 degree.Peer reviewers are co-workers and it includes one or two juniors.  Altogether 3-8 people who are chosen by the employee.

The rating is conducted on a 5 point-scale:-

  1. Needs improvement
  2. Consistently meets expectations
  3. Exceeds expectations
  4. Strongly exceeds expectation
  5. Superb

Ratings are set semi- annually

Peer reviewers are asked to state one thing the reviewer should do more of, and one thing that they can do in a different way.

After the peer review and feedback cycle, managers come together to take a look at these peer reviews.

Managers examine the ratings, particularly to eliminating any bias – this they call calibration


1.1   Concern for Achievement – Developmental Rating Scale

1.1   Concern for Achievement


A desire to improve performance by setting and reaching challenging goals, making decisions which will improve measurable business results, taking risks which will enhance results, committing resources in the face of uncertainty and taking strong position.


Behavioural indicators

  • Sets measurable objectives for self and others
  • Demonstrates concern for meeting performance standards
  • Takes calculated risks to reach challenging goals
  • Evaluates and prioritises ideas, actions, projects and customers in terms of profitability, costs and benefits
  • Commits resources in face of uncertainty
  • Views self as personally accountable for results
 Level 4

  1. Establishes the right objectives and measurable targets and standards for oneself and others
  2. Demonstrates high concern to ensure that performance quality and standards are met at all times
  3. Manages risks creatively and innovatively to achieve challenging goals  and objectives.
  4. Creative in managing all resources efficiently and effectively in a state of uncertainty to prevent delays
Level 3

  1. Ensures determination of targets and objectives are in alignment with corporate goals and sets measurable objectives and standards for oneself and others
  2. Demonstrates concern for quantity and quality achievement always.
  3. Mitigates and minimizes risk to achieve challenging goals
  4. Utilizes resources effectively
Level 2

  1. Is able to set measurable objectives for oneself
  2. Demonstrates concern for meeting performance objectives.
  3. Is aware of risks to the achievement of objectives
  • The Leve three(3) competencies are the corporate standards
  • Level one(1) is not described but generally is lower than level two(2)- non acceptable thinking, feeling and task behaviours
  • Level four(4) is rated when the competencies demonstrated are clearly above the corporate standard


1.3   Self- Confidence

1.3   Self- Confidence


A belief in one’s owns capabilities and a willingness to test those capabilities in challenging situations.  A willingness to make decisions in face of opposition.


Behavioural Indicator

  • Expresses confidence in own authority and ability to make decisions
  • Acts in spite of disagreement with others
  • States own position clearly and confidently and / takes strong action in conflict situations
  • Volunteers for challenging assignments
  • Analyses own performance to understand failures and correct problem
  • Sees opportunity in problems
  • Views self as a prime mover


 Level 4

  1. Inspires others
  2. Walks the talk – and always does the right things
  3. Drives the team for excellent results
  4. Regards problems as opportunities and is able to come up with unorthodox solutions
  5. Willing to take risk and is willing to go the extra mile to achieve targets
  6. Creates new opportunities and ideas
  7. Provides support and encouragement to others
 Level 3

  1. Clearly demonstrates believe in ones own ability – positive outlook
  2. Efficient and is able to make decisions with confidence
  3. Demonstrates confidence in implementing  challenging tasks
  4. Sees the problem as an opportunity to do better
  5. Is willing to take calculated risks and explain the reasons for such actions.
 Level 2

  1. Makes decisions on a routine basis
  2. Stays in comfort zone  relying on traditional practices
  3. Ones behaviour is based on what others think is right
  4. Fears failure and avoids taking risk
  • The Leve three(3) competencies are the corporate standards
  • Level one(1) is not described but generally is lower than level two(2)- non acceptable thinking, feeling and task behaviours
  • Level four(4) is rated when the competencies demonstrated are clearly above the corporate standard


3.5  Results orientation

3.5   Results Orientation


Draws attention to and focuses on key objectives to ensure achievement of effective outcomes.


Behavioural indicators

  • Establishes a clear focus and direction for unit and communicates clearly and concretely the results to be achieved
  • Organises and brings resources together to help achieve objectives
  • Delegates tasks to ensure that the job gets done and keeps own and others’ activities focused on key objectives
  • Keeps people informed about what needs to be done in light of changes in the organisation, business situation etc….
  • Takes appropriate action to achieve objectives
  • Applies experience and expertise to achieve objective
 Level 4

  1. Sets focus and clear direction through effective communication to achieve targeted results
  2. Conducts careful planning and organizes and brings together resources to achieve the objectives
  3. Delegates / entrusts the work to ensure that all tasks are focused on the main objective
  4. Always updates members on what should be done taking into account changes in internal and external environment of the organization
  5. Takes action efficiently and effectively to achieve the objectives
  6. Is able to apply the appropriate experience and expertise to achieve the objectives
Level 3

  1. Sets the focus and direction and communicates effectively in order to achieve targeted results
  2. Carefully organizes resources to achieve the objectives
  3. Delegates / entrusts the work to ensure that all tasks are focused on the main objective
  4. Updates members on what should be done taking into account the internal and external organizational changes
  5. Takes action appropriate to achieve the objectives
  6. Applies  experience and expertise to achieve the objectives 
Level 2

  1. States direction and purpose when questioned
  2. Assigns work but monitoring results is weak
  3. Occasionally updates members on what should be done taking into account the internal and external organizational changes
  4. Takes steps aimed at achieving the objectives when pressed for results
  • The Level three(3) competencies are the corporate standards
  • Level one(1) is not described but generally is lower than level two(2)- non acceptable thinking, feeling and task behaviours
  • Level four(4) is rated when the competencies demonstrated are clearly above the corporate standard


The Ultimate Drivers of Performance are Competencies


Competencies are ultimate drivers of KPI achievement.


Two Important Drivers of Senior Management Performance
Concern for Achievement and Concern for Power

Concern for Achievement (ach) is a recurrent thinking, feeling and actions to personally performing better

  • The associated thoughts include:-
    • Meeting or exceeding an internal standard, “I can do better”.
    • Thinking about improving, “There must be a better way”.
    • Doing something unique or innovative, “This will be a breakthrough, I must try harder”.
    • Planning long-term program and action steps to achieve a goal, “This will keep me on track and not be distracted”.


Concern for Achievement is a personal improvement anxiety, worry, or uneasiness that keeps the person doing better.


The Second Important Driver of Senior Management Performance is Concern for Power

Concern for Power(pow) is a recurrent thinking, feeling and actions to convince, influence and impacting on others to be strong, purposeful and be able to do things for common good (Socialized Power)

  • The associated thoughts include:-
    • Giving advise (without being asked), “ Let me tell you how you need to do it”.
    • Taking actions on decisions to make others perform , “This decision has been made, you have to get it done. Let me advice you on how you can go about it “.
    • Creating conditions for group consensus and performance, “I want to explain to you why, and how this decision was made, so that you  know the importance of carry it out”.
    • Doing things to make others perform well ( training, coaching), “I have arranged for you to attend a training session on this subject”.
    • Organizing, directing, controlling, and reviewing for group success – managerial tasks


When a person is predominantly  concerned about controlling others, directing others and getting things done through others for personal gain, self aggrandizement and self benefit, it is referred to as Personal Power


Concern for Achievement


Concern for Group Purpose and Direction

(Social power- empower others, inspire others.


Motivation causes purposeful use of knowledge and skills and has significant effect on a persons competencies.

Motivation is the enabler of competencies and superior performance

This has significant implications on how we recruit, select, deploy, train and compensate for superior performance

The tools , methods and techniques for competency based Human Capital management is now available….

-Dr.Lyle M. Spencer, Competencies at work l993.